Whole Planet Foundation is committed to investing in entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial solutions to alleviating poverty, now and for future generations. Since the beginning, we’ve remained focused on supporting microfinance organizations that target the most marginalized, excluded, or poorest entrepreneurs. But in some cases, households trapped in extreme poverty aren’t able …
Assessing Poverty with a Stoplight
This guest blog comes from Roxana Newton, Whole Planet Foundation’s Regional Director for Latin America and North America. Whole Planet supports microfinance institutions (MFIs) serving vulnerable communities and promoting financial inclusion throughout these communities throughout the world. You may be wondering: how do WPF partners identify their target client and communities? How do …
Living on One + Whole Planet Foundation: 2017 Update
This guest blog comes to us from our friends at Optimist, the filmmaking team behind Living on One Dollar. It’s been an exciting year for Living on One, Whole Planet Foundation and the communities in Guatemala that we’ve supported with microloans. Thanks to your generous donations, we’ve raised over $300,000 …
Giving Thanks: Field Officer Appreciation Award for Africa/Middle East
It’s the season of giving thanks, and Whole Planet Foundation wants to acknowledge the achievements of our microfinance partners’ field officers, who are often the main point of contact between a microfinance organization and the entrepreneurs financing their businesses with micro-loans. In July 2014 we piloted a new Field Officer …
Giving Women Opportunity is Divine
This guest blog comes to us from our supporters at Divine Chocolate. For the past few years, Divine Chocolate has partnered with Whole Planet Foundation to support its microfinance programs and women’s empowerment initiatives. We are pleased to continue the tradition this year with our Divine Chocolate Advent Calendar giveback program. …
Microfinance in the Face of Adversity
Brian Doe is Whole Planet Foundation’s Regional Director for Africa and the Middle East. During annual field visits to our microfinance partners, we often see them searching for better ways to help their clients. Unexpected household shocks can seriously jeopardize the livelihoods of the poorest entrepreneurs and their families. The …
Supplier Donors Experience Microcredit with WPF & Partners
Papyrus-Recycled Paper Greetings, founder of Whole Planet Foundation’s 100K Fund, dives into poverty alleviation! In addition to supporting Whole Planet Foundation’s mission since 2012 with an annual contribution of $100,000, they have traveled with us to international and domestic projects to witness the impact of their generosity in the field and volunteer alongside …
Supporting Refugees with Microcredit in Phoenix
Whole Planet Foundation and donors meet in Arizona to witness a holistic approach to microcredit. With more than 22 million refugees in the world today, Whole Planet Foundation is proud to partner with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) who has been supporting refugees for 40 years. A refugee is defined as …
WPF Quarterly Programs Update: Quarter 1 – 2017
By Daniel Zoltani, WPF Global Programs Director with contributions from our field team: Brian Doe, Zoe So, Claire Kelly, and Roxana Newton During Quarter 1, we disbursed $571,000 to our microfinance partners and celebrated a milestone of 2 million microloans funded since inception. Our field team visited 15 countries. Latin …
WPF Quarterly Progams Update: Quarter 1 – 2017
By Daniel Zoltani, WPF Global Programs Director with contributions from our field team: Brian Doe, Zoe So, Claire Kelly, and Roxana Newton During Quarter 1, we disbursed $571,000 to our microfinance partners and celebrated a milestone of 2 million microloans funded since inception. Our field team visited 15 countries. Latin …