photographer on safari with elephant

Fair Trade Safaris: Experience the Best of Africa while Making an Impact

Whole Planet FoundationEvents, Sub-Saharan Africa, The Middle East and North Africa, Travel

This guest blog comes to us from Fair Trade Safaris, a new donor supporting our mission and Platinum Sponsor of this year’s Party with a Purpose Benefit in Austin, Texas. You can bid on a Fair Trade Safari package at this year’s event or online. Bid online from anywhere on …

Financial Diaries: Lessons from Small Enterprise Foundation in South Africa

Zoe SoField Team Blogs, Microcredit, Microfinance Partners, Sub-Saharan Africa

One of the core assumptions of microfinance is that the ability to reach a large number of borrowers helps bring efficiencies, sustainability, and impact. Many microfinance organizations often talk about their success in terms of scale and big picture numbers: how many borrowers do they reach? How big has the …

Access to Finance in Senegal

Brian DoeField Team Blogs, Microcredit, Microfinance Partners, Sub-Saharan Africa

Noel (far right) borrows about $800 to stock her market stand in Senegal’s central Kaolack market- her current loan being her sixth one with the MFI CAURIE (Facebook) in Senegal.  When asked where she had gotten her stock, (you can see her shelves are packed with items for sale) she …

pierrette benin

Growing Women’s Empowerment Through the Moringa Tree  

Whole Planet FoundationSub-Saharan Africa, Supplier Partnerships, Whole Foods Market Stores

Meet Pierrette, a mother of five, a moringa farmer, and entrepreneur from Benin, West Africa. After tragedy hit her family, she formed a moringa farming cooperative. She was able to pull herself and 133 women members out of poverty by growing, processing, and selling moringa tree leaves. Growing Women’s Empowerment …

The Importance of Savings in Burkina Faso

Brian DoeField Team Blogs, Microfinance Partners, Sub-Saharan Africa

View a French translation of this blog post. Madeleine, the President of one of Yikri Burkina Faso’s microfinance groups, has successfully taken business loans to support livestock rearing activities. However, when explaining the difference the Yikri program had made in her life, she first recounted not the impact of credit on …

Funding the Graduation Model in Haiti and Uganda

Zoe SoField Team Blogs, Latin America and the Caribbean, Microcredit, Microfinance Partners, Sub-Saharan Africa

Whole Planet Foundation is committed to investing in entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial solutions to alleviating poverty, now and for future generations. Since the beginning, we’ve remained focused on supporting microfinance organizations that target the most marginalized, excluded, or poorest entrepreneurs. But in some cases, households trapped in extreme poverty aren’t able …

agent banking

Agent Banking in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Olivia HaydenField Team Blogs, Microcredit, Sub-Saharan Africa, Travel

Zoe So joined Whole Planet Foundation in June 2016 as a Program Manager supporting the Africa and Middle East portfolio. She worked at BRAC USA for three years, where she supported financial inclusion and youth empowerment initiatives in Uganda, Tanzania, and Sierra Leone. Zoe has also worked in operations, grant …