Our Microfinance Partners
We work with microfinance institutions (MFIs) who serve the world's poorest with access to credit. The dedicated staff at these institutions are our partners in the field. A microloan, in general, is a small loan with no formal collateral or contract and the lowest interest rate possible. Our MFI partners may provide additional business training, health services, or other benefits to their borrowers.
Whole Planet has supported implementing partners around the globe, such as the ones below:
Acceso El Salvador
Aflore Columbia
African Entrepreneur Collective in Rawanda
Altech in Democratic Republic of the Congo
ASEI in El Salvador
Bidhaa Sasa Kenya
BrightLife Uganda
Buusaa Gonofaa Ethiopia
Concern Burundi in Burundi
Concern Worldwide in Ukraine
Eskala in Panama
FAMA Honduras
Farmerline Ghana
Future Eve Foundation
GGEM in Malawi
Grassland in Cameroon
Honduras FUNDER
MoringaConnect in Ghana
MyAgro Senegal
PAC in Nicaragua
RUFI Uganda
Sembrar Sartawi in Bolivia
SolCom Guatemala
Trickle Up India