Dashboard Statement
The WPF Dashboard is a report that measures the foundation’s overall impact since inception. The dashboard is updated quarterly. The figures presented include Whole Planet Foundation’s contributions as well as reporting data from WPF’s MFI partners through the end of the reporting period.
Approx. Number of Loans Made to Entrepreneur Families Due to WPF Support of Microfinance Partners:
First, to find how many loans WPF programs have funded we get the Average First Loan Size reported by our partners and divide it over the funds that have been disbursed to the MFI. Next, we find how many times those funds have been distributed and repaid back to the MFI since their disbursement. Finally we incorporate the repayment rate reported by the MFI to account for any funds that have been defaulted.
Total Loans Made to Entrepreneur Families Due to WPF Support = SUM{(([AmountDisbursed] / [AvgFirstLoanSize]) X [Turn]) X [RepaymentRate]}
Turn = (Reporting Period –Disbursement Date) / AverageLoanTerm
This is applied to every disbursement WPF has made to its partners since inception.
Approx. Number of Opportunities for Entrepreneurs and Their Families (Loans Disbursed X Average Family Size, Including Multiple Loan Recipients & Their Families)
Every loan provides a unique opportunity for the supported client and their family members. To estimate total opportunities first we gather the fertility rate to determine the average family size in each country. We add 1.75 to the average fertility rate to include parents or other relatives that live in the household. As of September 2022, the average family size across WPF’s portfolio is about 5.06 people. Next we factor in the number of loans supported.
Opportunities for WPF- Supported Clients = Total Loans Made to Borrower-Families Due to WPF Support X AverageFamilySize
Current Active Entrepreneurs
Active clients reported by MFI partners in each quarter to WPF.
Current Active Entrepreneurs & Their Families
Active clients reported in WPF communities including their family members.
% Women Clients
This is a weighted average of the figures reported by the MFIs across WPF’s portfolio.
Eligible Countries
Total of Authorized Countries and Program Countries in Development where both a Whole Foods Market product connection and viable microfinance industry has been identified.
Total Projects
Total count of projects approved to receive funding.
Authorized Program Countries
Countries which funding has been approved by WPF’s Board of Directors.
Active Countries
Countries which funding has been approved by WPF’s Board of Directors and funds have been disbursed.
Authorized U.S. Cities
Total U.S. cities in which funding has been approved by WPF’s Board of Directors.
Active U.S. Cities
Total U.S. cities in which funding has been approved by WPF’s Board of Directors and funds have been disbursed.
WFM Products
Unique number of products sold in WFM stores that are sourced from WPF countries around the world.
Microfinance Partners
Total number of unique partners funded by WPF.
Funding & Loans
First Loan Disbursed
Date in which WPF began funding loans.
Authorized Disbursements
Total amount of funding approved for WPF projects by the foundation’s Board of Directors
Disbursed to Microfinance Partners
Total amount of funds disbursed by Whole Planet Foundation to its MFI partners for on-lending capital.
Avg. First Loan Size
Weighted average across the portfolio reported by MFI partners
Repayment Rate
Weighted average across the portfolio reported by MFI partners
Starting with the reporting through September 30, 2020 we have revised this formula to more accurately quantify this metric. After review by the Field Team after two quarters after the start of COVID-19 the team concluded that the previous formula was not accurately reflecting PAR.
Previous Formula =SUMPRODUCT(CGAP PAR % > 30 days for Institution, Approx. Loans Made to Entrepreneur Families Due to WPF Support/SUM(Approx. Loans Made to Entrepreneur Families Due to WPF Support))
Revised Formula =SUMPRODUCT(CGAP PAR % > 30 days for Institution, Total loan Balance Outstanding on Institutional Loans (USD)/SUM(Total loan Balance Outstanding on Institutional Loans (USD)))
* In addition to this revision the Field Team agreed that it is important to remove all CLOSED projects and any projects where MFI data is being duplicated (ex: CASHPOR G2, G3, G5, G6) to most accurately reflect this value
Approx. Value of Loans Supported by WPF
Funds to MFI partners continue to grow over time. To find the total leveraged amount takes each disbursement and calculates the turn to find out how many times those funds have been distributed and repaid to the MFI. Then we factor in the MFI’s Repayment Rate to account for any defaulted % of their portfolio
Sum{ ([AmountDisbursed]+( [AmountDisbursed] X [Turn] X [RepaymentRate]))}
Total Loans Supported by WPF Funding (Purchasing Power Parity basis)
Approx. Value of Loans Supported by WPF adjusted for the exchange rate in each countries’ local currency. The Economist: The Big Mac index