Our Work in Eastern & Southern Africa

15 Countries

67 Projects

$23.68M Disbursed

Featured Entrepreneur

Name: Halima Location: Tanzania

Microfinance Partner: BRAC

Halima is currently on her third microloan with BRAC near Keko in Dar Es Salaam. She borrowed 550,000 Tanzanian shillings (about $251) over 20 weeks to support her vegetable stand. She also sells secondhand clothing door to door in her community. Halima is a member of a microfinance group with BRAC Tanzania through the Empowerment and Livelihoods for Adolescents girls’ club, where she enjoys reading magazines and storybooks.

Featured Video: Experiencing Microcredit in Ghana

Video credit: Whole Planet Foundation Impact in South Africa

Microlending Projects in Eastern & Southern Africa

Democratic Republic of the Congo


South Africa

Name: Maimuna Location: The Gambia

Microfinance Partner: Reliance Gambia

Maimuna sells bread, dried fish and local breakfast she prepares at her home with her group microloan of 5,000 Delasis (about $117), which is her second loan from Reliance Gambia. She took 5,000 for her first loan as well. The loans are repaid over 6 months with monthly interest payments and two payments of capital. With both loans she divided her business capital between dried fish and vegetables for the food she prepares. On a good day she can bring in 300 Delasis in profits and she has three months before she has to repay the first half of her loan capital.

Select $15 below to sign up for a recurring monthly donation that will fund an average first microloan in the Sub-Saharan Africa region after one year.


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